Roaming 3
Phantom Monument
Inspiring the Feminizing the Ghost(Zeitlin, 2016), which portrays the story of The finale of Peony Pavilion, which sanctions both the phantom heroine's resurrection from the dead and her secret marriage to her mortal lover, defends these extraordinary events on cosmic grounds: "All obeyed the logic proper to the union of yin and yang." On one level, this last phrase is a standard description of both human reproduction and the world's creation and, as such, suggests the metaphorical potential for cosmogenesis present even in an ordinary marriage.
I began searching for various transparent materials to create phantasmic prisms and telescopes, a form of diffuse sculpture. I use transparent curtains, like a window in the middle of the universe; It is moving, and these states of being, in-between, things are always becoming. So, I also chose to forego input to the model in the expression of digital technology and instead create an immersive, participatory research experience that combines the power of sonic narrative with the exploration of future visions while deepening the understanding of life in the present.Spiritual sculpture
Ringing MonumentIron,
Crystals Spray Paint,
3D Printing Resin
Transparent material experiments-layer2, Tong Niu 2024In the phantom's chants, I explore the aesthetic narratives of cybernetic-psychedelic regression, using this medium to create apolyphonic healing space. I aim to rebuild the connection between individuals and historical relics, as well as with nature, by providing immersive experiences. Through this process, I aim to establish a relationship between the body and the world, creating an emotional space that resonates with the body through acts of wandering and searching. The voice of the phantom narrator links infinite spaces, diffusing through spiritual sculptures as a metaphor. The natural monuments for the wandering, dissociated ghosts will symbolise the transient and intangible presence of these spectral entities in natural environments. Spiritual sculpture
Ringing MonumentIron,
Crystals Spray Paint,
3D Printing Resin
These monuments will serve as spaces for contemplation, situated in serene landscapes or ancient ruins, where visitors can reflect on the concept of dissociation and its intersection with the natural world. I adopt the form of artistic installations, resembling a series of monuments, incorporating elements that evoke a sense of haunting and separation. These include sculptures or structures that appear fragmented or semi-transparent, representing the elusive nature of ghosts and their connection to the environment. Natural materials such as stone, wood, or ethereal fabrics could be used to enhance the monument’s otherworldly quality.The soundscape is spatialised through a Hertzian reduction of the synthesizer's original frequency waveform. The aural landscape shaped by the spatialised sound becomes a guide for action. This guides species to engage in dynamic dialogues with the phantoms of natural relics throughfour methods: listening, tracking, gazing, and reshaping. The focus is no longer on what wesee through images but on how sound communicates what we have not seen, unconsciouslyforgotten, including the emotional and ecological links we experience.Created by the author, Spiritual Sculpture- Ringing Monument(07, 2024)