“Listening! Rosemary is glowing in 
bodliless lamp.”
"Waking up from our hallucination,
attuning to a moment, transcending the reality of
the resonance in the phantom neurovein"
- Manifesto of the PLB Association-

A Collection of the Spectral Voices,
It is based on Bakhtin 'polyphony' theory, creating equal dialogue value through simultaneous singing, these continuous micro internal language dialogues, external dialogues, searching for communication links, creating variation structures and multiple perspectives, deconstructing and breaking down scene images in the form of dynamic images, collage and reassemble. These covered traumatic sounds come from when they are at a loss, not just from the resonance of their inner voices; at the same time, it is a response and feedback to the external world, resonating with the environment.

Moving images,
AV programming,
2’ 40

July 2024: Research Journeys, RCA Battersea Hangar Space, London.

April 2024: Fragments for the Future, RCA
Battersea Hangar Space, London.

Figure- Screenshot, Created by the author, Tong Niu 2024
Figure- Screenshot, Created by the author, Tong Niu 2024
Figure- Screenshot, Created by the author, Tong Niu 2024
Figure- Screenshot, Created by the author, Tong Niu 2024

Though the "neural image"  inputs and the human electrical interventions generate prophecised organic neural fields, these totems can be heard, translated, and iterated through immersive space, linked with relationships, and the data information of the metamorphosis. Using NASA's outer space sounds and RAVE: Real-timeVariational Auto-Encoder Machine Learning Module for generating spatial textures. 
Further explorations integrate concepts Musica universalis, which posits celestial bodies' movements as mathematical formulas creating inaudible harmonic music. Cybernetic-psychedelic regression techniques will induce altered perceptions, enhancing the depth of sensory data. The methodology includes assimilating celestial trajectories and mapping personal roaming sequences through electrical signals, utilizing computer vision technology to decode infinite spatial potentials. 
Moving images,
AV programming, 
6’ 30, 2024

Communication design
Sound art
Live performance
Digital storytelling